For your convenience
Benefits over in-person include:
No commuting stress
No wait times or wait room
More accessible to those with physical limitations
easy-peasy payment options
Less stigma for those new to therapy by way of online anonymity

Prior to our first appointment, I will send you an email with easy steps on how to register with NousTalk, the secure video platform we use. This should take about 2-3 minutes and only needs to be done once. You will be asked to review and sign the service agreement, which also includes consent to service. Once registered, you will have access to my schedule and will be able to request appointments based on my availability.
You can also make payments with a credit card or email transfer and I will provide you with a receipt once I receive your payment. Every time an appointment is confirmed, you will receive an email with a new link to click on at the time of our appointment. Using a fast speed network will help ensure more seamless picture.